Thanks for stopping by. Man, have I had a good time messing with this Web-Page. Each day I learn a little more about computers andLt. Bucky Phillips WebPages. Maybe before I shoot out of here I'll have it right. Here is a little something about me. I retired September, 1997 from the Lexington County Sheriff's Department. Lexington County is located in what is called the Midlands, next to the City of Columbia, the Capital. My last assignment was Lieutenant in charge of the Major Crime Unit. We worked all the major cases and assisted other Departments in the county with theirs. During my years in charge of the Detective Division I worked a lot of Death Penalty cases.  When I first started with the Department back in the 60's, we had to furnish our own car, weapons and just about everything else. We did get a uniform, badge, belt and shoes. I worked for about six months without a two-way radio. One day, the late Sheriff Carroll W. Day gave me a hand full of dimes and told me to ride the county. He told me if I saw something that I didn't understand, find a phone and call the office. So off I went in my 1965 Chevy, blue light and decal, looking for something so that I could use my dimes. The Department had 22 people working there. This included dispatcher/jailer and a Dog Catcher. The Lexington County Sheriff's Department now furnishes everything that you need and everyone is assigned a Patrol Car. The Department has grown from 22 to over 400 officers. Lexington County is a great place to live and work. East of the City of Lexington is a large metropolitan area. The steps to the State House are a good 12 city blocks from the county line in West Columbia. West of the City of Lexington is a rural area with Peach orchards and large farming areas. Lake Murray is located in Lexington County, it provides numerous water sports and some great Striper, Bass, Crappie, Shellcracker and Bream fishing. In my nearly thirty years in Law Enforcement I have seen some things that I didn't believe, but now it's time to relax and enjoy life. One of my favorite past times is Deer Hunting. Fishing is also on the list, fresh water and saltwater.

So it's off to the woods or water, hope you have a very Safe Day..